
BizSecOps…the concept and underlying principles 

The status quo

Today’s businesses are opting for digital transformation. The challenge is to create a good balance between business agility, security, and operational stability. In the traditional approach, the teams used to work in silos. Business, security, and development were taken care of by the different teams who hardly communicated. This not only lead to business application vulnerabilities but also introduced many business inefficiencies. This was the root cause that gave rise to the DevSecOps solution where development, security and operations started going hand in hand breaking the silos and providing a more collaborative framework for development. Moving one step ahead, businesses are augmenting themselves in the scenario to come up with BizSecOps—a collaborative framework that brings together business, security, and operations teams to align their goals, streamline processes, and ensure a secure and efficient environment.

Let’s dive into the concept of BizSecOps and the benefits it can bring to organizations in complex business scenarios. Also, we will be talking about how the balance between the businesses, security, and operations can help organizations deliver secure and faster.

What Is BizSecOps?

BizSecOps is an approach that promotes collaboration and integration among business, security, and operations teams. It promotes breaking down the silos that exist between these trios and helps flourish a culture of shared responsibility and proactive decision-making. It involves all stakeholders right from the beginning of the development life cycle.  BizSecOps also supports an approach where organizations address security issues early in the development of the lifecycle. This reduces the risk of vulnerabilities, accelerates time–to–market – and results in fewer issues in production down the line.

Key Principles  

  1. Team Collaboration: BizSecOps helps breaking the silos across the teams. When teams work together at every lifecycle phase , there is risk reduction in terms of missing out on any of the stake’s viewpoints.  This enables teams to gain a deeper understanding of each other’s requirements, constraints, and objectives.
  2. Automation: Automation plays a crucial role in BizSecOps. By automating security testing, compliance checks, and operational tasks, organizations can reduce manual effort, improve efficiency, and ensure consistent enforcement of security policies. Automation also enables faster feedback loops, enabling teams to address vulnerabilities and operational issues in real-time.
  3. Shift-Left Security: Similar to DevSecOps, security is imbibed in every phase of software development. This reduces the number of issues cropping up at the time of production. The advantage is two-fold, the organization can reduce the business downtime and in turn increase ROI and resources can be utilized optimally. Implementing security from the start reduces the likelihood of vulnerabilities
  4. Enhanced operational efficiencies: With clear business requirements and security imbibed in every phase of development and added automation process, operations teams can just take care of production-related tasks with no hassle for security issues.

How does it help? 

Enhanced Security Posture : As security practices are integrated at every phase of development lifecycle, BizSecOps helps organizations identify and remediate vulnerabilities early. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of security breaches and minimizes the impact of potential threats.

Enhanced Business Efficacy: With automation and collaboration, BizSecOps enables developers, and operations teams to focus on their core responsibilities rather than mitigating the threats in the production. Organizations can reduce manual efforts, accelerate release cycles, and improve overall efficiency with correct implementation of BizSecOps.

Faster Delivery Cycle: With stakeholder’s involvement, automation and security adoption at every development phase, the organizations can achieve faster delivery that leads to increased productivity. It also reduces the product’s time to market, helping get better ROI.

Compliance Checks: Compliance is a crucial aspect of any organization. Security breaches lead to higher project costs.  Organizations have to be compliant with the regulatory norms and at the same time have to maintain workflow agility. BizSecOps model helps balancing both aspects by integrating security controls and business stake into the development process. This also reduces the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.


The way people do business is changing rapidly and so is the development process. Organizations have to be agile, faster and, comprehensive and at the same time, they have to be resilient and compliant. Meeting all these ends is not possible with the traditional organizational culture. In such a scenario, BizSecOps comes into the picture.  It offers a holistic approach that bridges the gaps between these critical functions, fosters team collaboration and automation, and imbibes security in every development phase. Embracing BizSecOps is a proactive step towards building a secure and resilient organization that can be agile at the same time capable of handling security and compliance challenges of the digital landscape.

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