GitLab Vs GitHub …Some technical criteria to compare two giants in the DevSecOps reign.

DevSecOps is becoming de facto as more and more organizations are getting keen to safeguard their business applications from vulnerabilities. When organizations opt to embark on DevSecOps journey, the most critical process is choice of platform. Many organizations prefer end-to-end DevSecOps platforms that are capable of taking care of overall DevSecOps flow. This helps them avoid tool chain sprawling and varied different technical capabilities. Some of the popular choices in the DevSecOps segment are GitLab, GitHub, and Azure.

What are GitLab and GitHub?

GitLaband GitHub are end-to-end DevSecOps platform. Of course, the most used feature of both the platforms if repository but, both Platforms offer much more beyond the repositories, rather they are end-to-end AI enabled DevSecOps platform themselves.

In this article we are presenting some technical criteria to compare GitLab and GitHub that will be helpful to the organizations making better choice.

We have tried to help you understand the similarities and differences between two popular DevSecOps platforms, GitHub and GitLab.

Let’s Delve into the difference between GitLab and GitHub with a few technical criteria.

FeatureFeature DescriptionGitLabGitHub
        Generic Features
End to End DevSecOps PlatformDoes not require other tool integrations to implement DevSecOpsYESNeeds Integration of different tools to create complete DevSecOps flow  Like GitHub actions
Community Edition Available?Free EditionYESYES
Saas VersionOn CloudYESYES
On-PremInstalled on Organization’s private server/bare metalYESYES
Support for WikisWikis is the documentation of the project  for repositoryYESDoes not support  organization-level wikis.
Public RepositoryRepositories accessible to everyoneYESYES
Private RepositoryRepositories accessible the creator and assigned collaboratorsYESYES
Project Management YESYES
ArtifactoryStorage for code /binaries packages and dependencies.YESYES
Project Management Service DeskConnect your team to external parties via email for feedback and support, with no additional tools required.YESNO
Requirement ManagementCollection of business requirements for projectYESNO
Code Testing & CoverageTools for visualizing test cases as well as determining coverage and failure.YESNot supported as a part Of Github
Quality ManagementPlan and track quality of your project.YESNO
Design ManagementUpload design , wireframes , mockups etc.YESNO
Open SourceCode is available for changeYESNO
Value Stream Management (End to end visibility on Software Delivery Lifecycle )End to end visibility on Software Delivery LifecycleYESNO
DORA Metrics SupportKPIs that assess the performance of DevelopersYESNO
Community Discussion Forum NOYES
Built in Helm Chart RegistryFor better, self-managed container (Kubernetes) orchestration.YESNO
SASTIdentification of Vulnerabilities in the codeYESYES
DASTIdentification of Vulnerabilities in the running codeYESNO
Container Scanning YESYES (Through CodeQL)
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)Identification of Vulnerabilities in the third part code and opensource code usedYESYES
Secret DetectionIf any credentials have been exposed accidentlyYESYES
API Security ScanTo know the impact of code on the running applicationYESNO
IAC ScanIt contains files that have infrastructure specifications for the applicationYESNO
Code Quality Scan YESStill Experimental
Fuzz TestingFuzz Testing  uses invalid, unexpected or random data as input and then check for exceptions such as crashes and potential memory leaks.YESNo
Dependency ScanningIdentification of vulnerabilities in the code that has been used from other source/ open sourceYESYES
Observability and MonitoringCreating and analyzing logs, metrics , traces and giving alerts in case of any discrepancy / problemYESNO
Continuous Delivery/Deployment YESYES
Incremental DeploymentCode is deployed in chunks and deployment is incrementalYESNO
Kubernetes support and Management YESYES
Infrastructure As CodeInfrastructure management through CodeYESNO
              AI ML
  · Code Explanation

· GitLab Duo Chat for code Queries

· Test suggestions for Merge request

· Forecasting Deployment frequency in CI/CD Analytics.

· Code Explanation

· Auto code complete

· Code write-up from natural language

· Test case generation

· Helps in Code learning

  GitLab is GDPR CompliantGitHub is GDPR Complaint
  GitLab is SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 Compliant  [How secure is GitLab? | GitLab]GitLab is SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 Compliant
  GitLab is ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27017:2015 ,ISO/IEC 27018:2019  and  ISO/IEC 20243-1:2018 compliantCompliant for 27001:2013, 27701:2019 (PII Processor), and 27018:2019.
  GitLab Privacy Compliance | GitLabGitHub Security · GitHub
Compliance ManagementGitLab provides several features for establishing, managing, and adhering to compliance.YESNO

By Sonal Kakar.

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