DevSecOps Maturity Assessment


What is DevSecOps Maturity

DevSecOps assessment is baseline activity that has to be carried out to understand what maturity level the organization has achieved in imbibing DevOps and Security practices in the SDLC . This assessment gives state-of-the-art maturity of security posture and forms the baseline to achieve next milestone in DevSecOps adoption. 

What is DevSecOps Maturity

DevSecOps assessment is baseline activity that has to be carried out to understand what maturity level the organization has achieved in imbibing DevOps and Security practices in the SDLC . This assessment gives state-of-the-art maturity of security posture and forms the baseline to achieve next milestone in DevSecOps adoption. 

How Mature is your DevSecOps Culture?

DevSecOps culture ensures the security is imbibed in every life cycle phase of software development. DevSecOps is a continuous process, not the destination. One has to assess, plan and take action to build a robust security posture. 

How Mature is your DevSecOps Culture?

DevSecOps culture ensures the security is imbibed in every life cycle phase of software development. DevSecOps is a continuous process, not the destination. One has to assess, plan and take action to build a robust security posture. 

Let’s Get Assessed

To identify the exact level of DevSecOps maturity achieved by the organization , one has to go through the assessment process.  One has to answer certain set of questions and rate yourself against them. The overall score defines the maturity of your DevSecOps capability. 

The Assessment Process

The assessment process starts with the identification of stakeholders. Also, there are certain KPIs and their values that gauge the success of your DevSecOps Journey.

DevSecOps Assessment KPIs

Automation :
Is vulnerability identification and remediation is automated and the team is well-versed equipped and with the security processes and tool?

Security culture :
Have all teams received security education, guidelines, and policies? Are developers both responsible for and empowered with the necessary tools to create and deliver secure code?

Practices and Compliances:
Are security practices are set up and Compliance is regularly evaluated ?

The assessment process starts with the identification of stakeholders. Also, there are certain KPIs and their values that gauge the success of your DevSecOps Journey.

DevSecOps Assessment KPIs

Shift-left Approach :  
At what phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) security check starts? 

Team Collaboration  :
Do the Security, Development and Ops teams work unsilod to address the security issues? . Do they have visibility and transparency across tools used by each discipline. 

Automation :
Is vulnerability identification and remediation is automated and the team is well-versed equipped and with the security processes and tool?

Security culture :
Have all teams received security education, guidelines, and policies? Are developers both responsible for and empowered with the necessary tools to create and deliver secure code?

Practices and Compliances:
Are security practices are set up and Compliance is regularly evaluated ?

The Process

During DevSecOps assessment , a few questions are asked in all the above categories.
Your practices are rated on the scale of 1 to 10 for each questions under each category.

Wants to Assess yourself for DevSecOps Maturity? We can Help you

During DevScOps assessment , a few questions are asked in all the above categories.Your practices are rated on the scale of 1 to 10 for each questions under each category.
The total score in each category decides the organization’s DevSecOps Maturity levelas – Preliminary, Intermediate or Advance.
This forms the base for next Step in consulting is ” Gap Analysis”

Want to Assess yourself for DevSecOps Maturity?

Fineshift Software PVT LMT
Plot No 34/2 Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park , Near Ruby Hall Clinic , Hinjiwadi-Phase 1, Pune – 411057

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