ChatGPT VS Bard

Generative AI – The Gamechanger 

 Generative AI is driven by artificial intelligence technology that can produce varied content in the form of text, images, audio and synthetic data. The recent buzz, ChatGPT and Bard have further simplified the term and made it accessible to the masses with the introduction of user interfaces and consolidated output.  

  ChatGPT is much more than a buzzword! 

GPT or Generative Pre-trained Transformer is a chatbot that saddles on the GPT-3 language model (by OpenAI). What makes it more popular is its capability to understand natural languages and the context around it to deliver quality output.  

 The puppeteer Technology Behind the ChatGPT  

To be brief and precise, the puppeteer behind the ChatGPT is RLHF i.e. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). The model involves fine-tuned training of the initial model using supervised learning. The model was further tuned up using Proximal Policy Optimization, and several iterations of this process were performed. 

   Bard a new Eyecatcher 

  Bard is a conversational generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Google, based on the LaMDA family of large language models. Bard is in its initial stage and has been rolled out within the limited geographies.  The biggest advantage of Bard over ChatGPT is that Bard model is being trained continuously by extracting the live data from the internet. Some of the features have been rolled out and the user community is excited to know what it has to offer in its magic box. 

 How does it work? 

Bard harnesses the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to train the model. LaMDA and Bard Transformer-based language models scan through trillions of words to learn context and meaning and recognize patterns that construct human language. 

   The Difference  

Generative AI is changing the way the content and the code are generated. ChatGPT from OpenAI has already made its presence felt and now it’s time for Google’s Bard. There are some differences in the way they work. Let’s have a quick dip into the differences. 


                             ChatGPT                                                                                                 BARD 

It is Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer 

It is Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) 

IT is available in most the countries except for the countries that have banned  ChatGPT 

Currently offered to selective markets in the U.S. and U.K., hopeful users can sign up for the waitlist. 

ChatGPT uses 175 billion parameters 

Bard runs on Google’s learning model, Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) that has been trained on 770M parameters.  

ChatGPT has been trained with the parameters and data that was made available to it till 2021. 

Google’s Bard continuously fetches the information from the web, hence supports the latest available data. 

One of the most promising features of ChatGPT is computer language code generation . ChatGPT can produce an optimized code  and can debug it. 

Bard is still in the code learning phase and the feature will be available soon. 

ChatGPT remembers 3k words from the previous conversations. But it doesn’t use past conversation to form responses. 

Bard’s ability to retain context is purposefully limited for now, but Google claims the ability will grow over time. 

ChatGPT knows several languages, including Spanish, French, Arabic, Mandarin, Italian, Japanese and Korean, 

Bard is only available and can only speak in English. 

ChatGPT only produces one response to questions. 

Bard creates several different versions of every prompt (called “drafts”), allowing users to pick the best response. 


Take Away 

So, if you are the one looking for a crisp-content factory, ChatGPT, and Bard can be an apt choice. Both are capable of generating content in various formats with quite good accuracy. The output is in the form of a summary that makes it stand out from search engines. The results or output are impressively accurate. Both models are capable of understanding natural language and curating context-driven content. When compared, ChatGPT and Bard both have ‘ For and Against community’ to deal with. To brief it out, a huge dataset and a number of parameters give a higher edge to ChatGPT. On the other hand, ChatGPT database being trained on limited data available till 2021 whittles down the excitement. Bard has the capability to extract information from the net continuously. So, if language support is your priority ChatGPT is the better choice, and if Realtime data is the primacy Bard will show better edge. As far as accuracy is concerned, ChatGPT has been trained on a huge number of parameters which definitely adds to the accuracy of the model. 


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