DevOps vs DevSecOps: Differences and Similarities

Integration of development and operations is known as “DevOps,” and “DevSecOps” is a subset of “DevOps” that emphasizes security. Both ideas can coexist, albeit with distinct ends in mind. By capitalizing on the benefits of one method while mitigating the drawbacks of the other, you can make your company’s data safer by gaining a thorough grasp of both.

There’s a common misconception that DevOps and DevSecOps are at odds with one another. However, there is more nuance to the conversation than that. No, you can’t replace one with the other. Nonetheless, there are many who believe that DevSecOps is not only compatible with DevOps but essential for it in certain circumstances.

What is DevOps?

Software development and IT operations can be brought closer together with the help of the DevOps methodology. The end goal is to reduce risk at every stage of the process, from writing code to running tests to releasing it to live servers.

What is DevSecOps

DevSecOps refers to a set of best practices for ensuring the safety of an organization’s software, hardware, network, and information systems. It’s a step up from the old security method, which centered on keeping intruders out at the perimeter.

Difference between DevOps and DevSecOps

DevOps is an approach to software development and operation that encourages close cooperation across application teams from beginning to end. The operations and development teams collaborate to implement common metrics and resources. Increased deployment frequency alongside improved app predictability and efficiency is what DevOps is all about. 

When updating an app, a DevOps engineer considers how to do so quickly and with as little impact as possible on the user experience. DevOps teams sometimes put too much emphasis on maximizing delivery speed and not enough on preventing security threats along the way. This can lead to the accumulation of vulnerabilities that put at risk the application, end-user data, and proprietary corporate assets.

When development teams realized that the DevOps model didn’t sufficiently handle security concerns, they began to work toward a new approach known as DevSecOps. DevSecOps originated as a method to integrate the management of security earlier in the development process, as opposed to retroactively adding it into the build. 

This approach moves application security up the development pipeline to the first stage of the build process. A DevSecOps engineer’s goal is to make apps hack-proof before they reach the user and to keep them that way even after they’ve been updated. To address the security problems that DevOps doesn’t tackle, DevSecOps stresses the importance of developers writing code with safety in mind.

Similarities between DevOps and DevSecOps

You may probably guess that DevOps and DevSecOps share a lot in common. One similarity between the two approaches is the priority placed on teamwork and open lines of communication.

To increase production activity and ensure that everyone follows the same rules and procedures, security and development teams must communicate well and routinely with one another. Certainly, teams need to be able to talk to each other and work together to ensure a smooth development process at every stage.

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