Software development life cycle and its evolution

To create high-quality, low-cost software in as little time as feasible, the software industry has developed the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The ultimate objective of the software development life cycle (SDLC) is to deliver top-notch software that completely satisfies the needs of the client. The SDLC is a defined and outlined strategy with stages (or phases) that covers its own process and deliverables. Consistently following the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) reduces project risks and saves money compared to using other production methodologies.

History of Software Development Life Cycle 

Software development procedures and approaches have changed as the Internet has grown older. Along with improvements in technology, development tools, and contemporary ideas regarding the organizational management of software development teams, these techniques have evolved. Private and public software initiatives have given rise to new methodologies for software development. Although these techniques take quite different approaches, they all aim to create software that is affordable, effective, and efficient.

Phases of SDLC

From one methodology to another, the steps in the SDLC process are essentially the same. Though some processes combine or carry out these actions simultaneously, they typically happen in this order.


Project and product management are included during the planning stage. This might comprise:

  • Resource distribution (both human and materials)
  • Capacity estimating
  • project planning
  • Cost projection
  • Provisioning

To ensure that all viewpoints are taken into account, project managers and development personnel should work closely with operations and security teams. The following are the results of the planning phase:


  • Planned projects Schedules
  • Cost projections
  • requirements for purchases


The business must interact with the technical teams to discuss its needs for new creations and improvements. These criteria are gathered during the requirements phase from subject matter experts and business stakeholders (SMEs.)

The SMEs collaborate with architects, development teams, and product managers to document the business processes that require software automation.

Design and Prototype

Software architects and developers can start creating the software once the requirements are clear. The design approach makes use of well-known patterns for software development and application architecture. To promote reuse and uniformity, architects might construct an application from pre-existing components using an architecture framework.

To consistently address algorithmic challenges, developers employ tested Design Patterns. Rapid prototyping sometimes referred to as a spike, may be used during this phase to compare potential solutions and determine which one fits best. This phase’s results include:

  • documents for a design that list the chosen patterns and parts for the project
  • Spikes’ code serves as a starting point for development.

Software Development 

The actual software coding takes place during this stage. This phase may be completed in time-boxed “sprints” (Agile) or as a single effort block, depending on the methodology (Waterfall.)

The goal for development teams is to generate usable software as rapidly as feasible, regardless of approach. Regular engagement with business stakeholders is necessary to guarantee that their expectations are being met. This stage results in testable, usable software.


One of the most crucial phases of the SDLC is testing. Without testing, it is impossible to deliver high-quality software. To measure quality, a variety of tests are required:

  • Coding quality
  • testing for integration
  • security evaluation
  • unit tests (functional tests)
  • Performance evaluation

Automating tests is the greatest way to guarantee that they are always performed and never skipped out of convenience. With the aid of Continuous Integration tools, tests can be automated.


Ideally, the deployment phase is highly automated. This stage is essentially unnoticeable in high-maturity enterprises because software is always deployed right away. The method necessitates certain manual approvals for businesses with less maturity or those operating in some highly regulated sectors. However, even in those scenarios, a continuous deployment approach that fully automates the deployment process is preferable.

Operations and Maintenance 

This is not the end of the software development life cycle. Software needs to be regularly examined to make sure it is operating correctly. When bugs and problems are found in production, they must be reported and addressed, which frequently adds work to the process. Bug fixes may not go through the complete cycle, but at the very least a shortened approach is required to make sure the remedy does not cause new issues.

Significance of Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC is a set of guidelines that helps define tasks and results in a consistent manner. It facilitates the estimation, planning, and scheduling phases of a project, as well as its tracking and control. Furthermore, it provides greater transparency into every stage of the development life cycle for all parties involved. SDLC speeds up development boosts ties with clients and reduces project risks. Overall production costs and the cost of managing projects are reduced.

Evolution of Software Development Cycle 

DevOps is a new approach to software development that replaces the many previous methods that were used. Waterfall and Agile were the two most widely used. Let’s take a look at how the advent of DevOps has changed the face of SDLC.


When it comes to operations, the Agile methodology fell short of the benefits it had on development. The DevOps Methodology was created to solve this problem. The DevOps paradigm emphasizes collaboration between the design and operations departments. The development and deployment procedures are both made easier by DevOps.

DevOps relies heavily on automation. As part of the release cycle, it sets up CI/CD/DE. DevOps facilitates teamwork, cuts down on errors and rollbacks, and allows for continuous development.

DevOps Lifecycle Phases: 

Constant Improvement

Intense Monitoring and Testing

Constant Incorporation

The Constant Deployment

Permanent Checking


From both a technological and a financial perspective, adopting DevOps concepts is a no-brainer. Managers and engineers alike are considering and even experimenting with DevOps. According to Bain Capital, 90% of businesses consider mastering DevOps to be a key strategic goal. Atlassian found that 99% of businesses in the early stages of their DevOps journey had reaped favorable results, with higher quality deliverables being delivered at faster rates.

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