Important Language every DevOps engineer should learn
DevOps makes it easier for teams to talk to one another and improve their processes in tandem. Therefore, in order to speed up the production of better software more frequently, DevOps engineers need to understand certain programming and scripting languages.
DevOps is fascinating because it encourages engineers to consider how they might improve the efficiency of the entire software development lifecycle. Due to this need, a competent DevOps engineer should be fluent in numerous languages. In addition, the more programming languages you’re fluent in, the more effectively you can streamline processes and create new applications.
This article describes some of the best scripting and programming languages that aspiring DevOps engineers should study.
Significant language every DevOps engineer should know
When it comes to DevOps engineers, Python is one of the most useful scripting languages available. The language’s flexibility makes it a good choice for DevOps groups working in a variety of settings and situations.
Python’s flexibility and cross-compatibility make it a great choice for developers working in Windows, macOS, or Linux. As an added bonus, Python is among the few scripting languages that can be used to create programs for a variety of platforms, from the web and native apps to machine learning.
Python is popular among programmers of all skill levels because of its readable syntax, dynamic typing, and open-source nature. Python isn’t always the fastest choice, but its widespread support and robust libraries more than make up for this.
Whether it’s for a website, desktop app, or mobile app, JavaScript is a go-to scripting language for DevOps engineers looking to add dynamic visual effects and interactivity to their client-facing software.
Web forms can be built and user input can be validated with JavaScript as well. JavaScript is useful not only as a language in its own right but also as a runtime environment for putting together programs for the web.
The multi-paradigm approach taken by JavaScript can be intimidating to newcomers. That’s why it’s recommended that you learn Python or Java first, if you haven’t already, before diving into JavaScript.
Automated installations and configuration management are only two of the many DevOps chores that can be carried out with the help of Bash scripts (Linux Shell Scripting). To automate the tedious tasks associated with releasing an app, DevOps engineers often turn to Bash scripts.
Many businesses still rely on bash scripts for automation purposes, despite the availability of numerous open-source tools for handling configuration and deployment. Docker base images and CI/CD pipelines are typically constructed utilizing bash scripts.
Powershell is the scripting language of choice for DevOps engineers who work with Windows servers.
Microsoft’s Powershell is an automation, scripting, and configuration management platform that runs on top of the.NET Framework. It’s a scripting and command-line shell for administering Windows machines.
System administration, application deployment, and infrastructure management are just some of the many common operations that may be automated with Powershell scripts. It also has advanced tools for working with and analyzing data.
Windows server administration is best accomplished through the use of the Powershell scripting language. It has advanced capabilities for working with data and doing analyses, as well as a strong scripting environment for automating routine activities. Powershell scripts can be launched locally on the server, simplifying deployment even further.
Because it is derived from Java, developers with some experience in the language will find Groovy to be straightforward to learn. Common applications include scripting the compilation of source code, the execution of tests, and the creation of software.
In order to succeed as a DevOps engineer, it can be difficult to decide which computer language to study. It is important to consider the types of projects you hope to undertake as a DevOps engineer before settling on a preferred language. Don’t forget the linguistic barrier. Is there a related language that is less difficult to learn? With these factors in mind, you’ll be able to make a decision that will benefit your professional development.